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Stroud Pediatric Dentistry Blog

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

January 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 7:34 pm
child brushing his teeth during cold and flu season in aledo

When it comes to the winter season, there is a lot that children look forward to, such as the holidays and breaks from school. Although it brings a lot of fun, winter also brings cold and flu season in Aledo. No parent ever wants to see their child feeling bad, but the reality is that sometimes, sickness is unavoidable. In addition to taking good care of your child’s body while they’re sick, it’s also just as important to prioritize their oral health so that they can heal faster. If you do find yourself dealing with an illness of some kind this season, your local pediatric dentist has some tips to share to keep their teeth healthy throughout the process.


What Does Your Child’s Dental Insurance Plan Cover?

December 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 8:47 pm
a parent carrying their child on their shoulders in a park

Many parents wonder whether their babies require dental insurance, and the answer is, yes! The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that you bring your little one in for their first checkup and cleaning by the time their first tooth grows in, which is usually around when they’re six to 12 months old. If your infant is covered under your insurance plan and you stay in-network with your provider, then you shouldn’t need to pay out-of-pocket for their visit. Another fact to keep in mind is that having a baby counts as a qualifying life event, which means you can make changes to your plan when your child is born so you can include them in your coverage.


3 Oral Health Facts for Breastfeeding Parents

November 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 12:47 am
Mom smiling at breastfeeding baby

As a parent, you know your entire worldview shifts the moment you see the little plus sign or smiley face. Flash forward nine months, when you see your little one wrapped up in your arms, you know you would do anything to keep them safe and happy. If you’ve made the personal decision to breastfeed your child, then there are a few things you should know about keeping their teeth and gums in good condition. Read on to learn more about nursing and oral health in Aledo and Willow Park.


Stroud Pediatric Dentistry Recognized as a DFW Mom-Approved Children’s Dentist

October 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 5:37 pm
a mother and child at the dentist’s office and Stroud Pediatric Dentistry designated a Mom-Approved Child Dentist for 2020

Friends and family members are often the go-to individuals for referrals when choosing a children’s dentist in Willow Park, but if you’re like many mothers, you may rely on other sources like DFWChild, a magazine that serves as a premier authority for women with children. Offering insight and education regarding health and wellbeing, social responsibility, and ways your family can get involved locally, they recently released the DFWChild Mom-Approved Child Dentist Awards for 2020. Proud to be recognized as a recipient is Stroud Pediatric Dentistry! Read on to learn more about this highly-esteem award and why you should choose Dr. Stroud and his team to care for your little one’s smile.   


4 Fun Ways to Welcome the Tooth Fairy

September 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 5:32 pm
Child smiling with missing tooth

The Tooth Fairy is a beloved childhood character that dates back to 1908! It is believed that this tradition was inspired by the tale of the tooth-gathering mouse, who would take the tooth from underneath a child’s pillow and replace it with a small gift. Over 100 years later, this practice serves as a great way to encourage your child to take proper care of their teeth while simultaneously getting them excited about growing their new smile. If your child recently lost a tooth, a pediatric dentist in Willow Park is sharing four fun ways to welcome the tooth fairy!


How to Help Your Little One Establish Healthy Dental Habits

August 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 8:54 pm
Father teaches daughter toothbrushing skills as recommended by Willow Park children's dentist

Teaching your child healthy dental habits early in life is essential for their long-term oral health. Unfortunately, your toddler probably isn’t thrilled about learning to floss or remembering to brush every day. How can you help them establish these important lifelong habits? Try making dental care more fun and engaging! Read on as your Willow Park children’s dentist shares some fun activities and tips to get your little one excited about taking care of their precious smile.


The Dos and Don’ts to Pulling Baby Teeth

June 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 4:45 pm
Little girl missing her tooth

Losing a tooth is an exciting right of passage for children! Around the age of six or seven, the roots of their primary teeth (aka “baby” teeth) dissolve to make room for their permanent set. This ensures that the experience is as pain-free as possible. However, sometimes the process is not as smooth as you and your child would like, which can lead you to consider pulling it out yourself. Before you try the old “tie a string to a doorknob” solution, read the below dentist-recommended dos and don’ts for pulling baby teeth:  


How Can Handwashing & Sanitizing Help Beat COVID-19?

May 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 7:18 pm
a person washing their hands with soap and water

Are you and your children being mindful of how thorough you are when it comes to handwashing and using hand sanitizer? While COVID-19 remains a threat to individuals of all ages, it is important that everyone in your family take the necessary precautions to combat the potential spread of this virus. Whether your child is an avid hand-washer or prefers to revel in the dirt accumulated on their palms throughout the day, a pediatric dentist in Willow Park explains why it’s best to make sure these areas remain clean and germ-free at all times.  


When Will it Be Safe To Take Your Child Back To Their Dentist?

April 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stroud @ 12:41 pm
person sanitizing a door handle

As a parent, there’s nothing more important to you than your child’s safety. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening, your child may have oral health problems that need to be treated. That’s why their pediatric dentist is taking several measures and following the CDC’s guidelines to ensure that they stay safe while getting the high-quality dental care necessary. Read on to learn more about their safety guidelines and when you can take them in for a visit.


Ways to Minimize the Spread of Coronavirus

April 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:24 pm
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